Luxury, Designer Bags and Accessories Wanted

Luxury bags, wallets, and jewelry are in high demand. If you have a luxury item in your closet and need help finding it a good second home, consign it with us.

When you consign a luxury bag,* you get 60% of the commission split. (Bags priced over $10,000 earn a 70% commission split.) The selling period can be extended longer than the typical 2-month selling period. If an item does not sell, you can get your bag back. 
All bags must include a certificate of authenticity to be sold through our shop. If one is not provided upon intake, we can authenticate your bag using Entrupy, our AI-technology-backed authentication solution provider. Entrupy authentications are 99.1% accurate and give buyers the shopping confidence to buy your bag. 

The authentication fee is $30 and payable upon intake via Venmo, PayPal or cash. 

 VIDA STYLE Shop luxury bags, wallets, and jewelry
consignor benefits: 
  • 60% of the commission split
  • Bags, wallets, and jewelry priced over $10,000 receive a 70% commission split.
  • If your bag does not sell, you keep the Entrupy COA for future sale or use.
  • Your item is posted on our online store and receives significant play on our social media platforms. 
  • Payouts are available eight days after your sale posts.

    Labels, and designers that we consider luxury are:

Bottega Veneta 
Goyard Saint Louis
Saint Laurent / Yves Saint Laurent
The Row
Valentino Garavani

Send us a message or call us if you have any questions.